
Access to Kootenay IR 1 for purpose of taking drone photos of 7 wetlands on the Kootenay IR 1 on September 27th, 2024

Drone Pics- SKS Business Development is granted access to ʔaq̓ am lands forming Kootenay IR 1 to take drone images of six wetlands on the Kootenay IR 1: Francis Lake, Unnamed Wetland, Long Lake, Stink Lake, Twin Lakes, Airport Wetland, and Adrian Lake on September 27, 2024.

Bear Safety

It’s that time of year when bears are looking to bulk up for winter and are trying to find food.  We hear they are getting into people’s garbage bins in the community. Some steps you can take to make your home less attractive to bears include:

  • Feed pets and store your pet food inside
  • Secure garbage bins with lids

Cleaning or keeping garbage bins smells to a minimum (putting baking soda in the bottom of the bin will reduce odours)

Freeze smelly food items until you are ready to take the garbage to the landfill, or it is garbage collection day

Access to Kootenay IR 1 for purpose of TREX – Prescribed Fire Training

TREX participants and instructors can access ʔaq̓am lands forming Kootenay IR 1 for Fire Effects Monitoring Training within the 2023 Airport Pasture Prescribe burn and the two planned burn units for 2025. Access is allowed from Sept 16 – 27, 2024. The exact dates of training on IR lands will depend on weather conditions for all other activities happening outside of IR lands. No media will be permitted for any training activities on IR Lands.

Herbicide Spot Treatments for Invasive Plants Sept. 16 - 20, 2024

Next week (September 16th-20th), Mountain View Resources will be onsite in a UTV within the 2023 Prescribed Burn area to do some herbicide spot treatments for invasive plants. They will be using the same herbicide that has been used in the location in past years (Clearview). Clearview does not have any impacts to humans, pets or wildlife and will only be used on invasive plants. We will have small booklets at the Administrative front desk that has more information on Clearview if you would like to stop by and pick one up.
