The ʔaq’am community values fun, healthy recreational activities for all. Our Social Development program provides a wide range of activities for the community to enjoy.
We receive funding from the National Child Benefit Reinvestment program (NCBR), which aims to reduce the depth of child poverty, provide incentives for parents to work by ensuring that low-income families with children will always be better off as a result of working, and to reduce overlap and duplication by simplifying the administration of benefits for children.
The ʔaq’am Social Development program has allocated NCBR funds for:
- Supplies for ʔaq̓amnik’ Elementary School, Daycare, After-School Program, Summer Program, and Community Health
- Youth initiatives such as youth group meals and activities
- National Day of Healing and Recognition
- Elders and Community Lake Day
- Community Wood Day
- Hallowe’en activities
- Community Christmas Dinner
- Spring Break activities
The Family Violence Prevention Program provides funding for community-based projects aimed at addressing social and health problems related to family violence. This funding is being used to support Healing Circles, Sharing Circles and the Spring Break Cultural Camp. These activities provide a secure learning environment for families and a place of sharing knowledge and strengthening family bonds.
We hope that by bridging the gap between children and elders and utilizing cultural knowledge, we will promote loving, peaceful families and mental and emotional health.
ʔaq̓am Administers the Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Program in partnership with the Columbia Basin Trust. This program aims to support projects that benefit the broader community public good. Applications are on an first come first service basis and open April 1 of each calendar year.
Community Initiates Funding Application Request Fillable (ID 2488)
Community Initiates Funding Application Request Printable Format (ID 2185)