
BC Hydro working on router pole on Mission Wasa Low Road

kiʔsuʔk kyukyit.

BC Hydro will be onsite Friday, July 19th, to conduct signal measurements on a router pole on the Mission Wasa Low Road.

Surface Crush Application on Mission Road

Over the next two weeks, Mainroad will apply surface crush to the first 1 km of Mission Road, which heads uphill towards the LD Ranch Rd.

At such time, they will be grading, packing, and applying base stabilization (Calcium)  to the road. 

They will also be ditching the same section of road.

If any members of the ʔaq̓am community would like the ditching materials, Mainroad will be happy to deliver them to the yard, provided they are on Reserve.

Please contact the Administration or Sloane for the phone number to receive fill while it lasts.



Access to Kootenay IR 1 for purpose of installing water logger and water tests at wetlands on July 17th, 2024

On July 17th, 2024, MacHydro was granted access to ʔaq̓am lands forming Kootenay IR 1 to install a water level data logger at Francis Lake and conduct water tests at test holes at Unnamed Wetland, Stink Lake, and Twin Lakes.

Access to Kootenay IR 1 to check ground water levels at well #TW08-4

Living Lakes Canada is granted access to ʔaq̓am lands forming Kootenay IR 1 for the purposes of checking the groundwater levels at well #TW08-4 on July 11th, 2024.

Campfire prohibition coming to Southeast Fire Centre

Ministry of Forests, BC Wildfire Service, July 9, 2024

Campfire prohibition coming to Southeast Fire Centre


CASTLEGAR – Effective at 12:00 noon Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) on Friday, July 12, 2024, Category 1 campfires will be prohibited throughout the Southeast Fire Centre.
