
Access to Kootenay IR 1 for purpose of pole replacement and transformer installation

BC Hydro is granted access to ʔaq̓am lands forming Kootenay IR 1 for the purposes of pole replacement and transformer installation, Tuesday, July 8th, 2024.

Access to Kootenay IR 1 for purpose of limbing and bucking downed trees from July 8 – 19, 2024

BCWS crews granted access to ʔaq̓am lands forming Kootenay IR 1 for the purposes of limbing and bucking
fallen trees adjacent to the airport boundary from July 8 – 19, 2024.

Access to Kootenay IR 1 for purpose of establishing plots for vegetation monitoring from July 3rd – 12th, 2024

Nupqu Resource Limited Partnership is granted access to ʔaq̓am lands forming Kootenay IR 1 for the
purposes of creating plots and plant inventories within the 2023 Wildfire and Prescribed Burn area as part
of the vegetation plot monitoring project on July 3rd – 12th, 2024.
