
Access to Kootenay IR 1 for purpose of limbing and bucking downed trees from July 8 – 19, 2024

BCWS crews granted access to ʔaq̓am lands forming Kootenay IR 1 for the purposes of limbing and bucking
fallen trees adjacent to the airport boundary from July 8 – 19, 2024.

Access to Kootenay IR 1 for purpose of establishing plots for vegetation monitoring from July 3rd – 12th, 2024

Nupqu Resource Limited Partnership is granted access to ʔaq̓am lands forming Kootenay IR 1 for the
purposes of creating plots and plant inventories within the 2023 Wildfire and Prescribed Burn area as part
of the vegetation plot monitoring project on July 3rd – 12th, 2024.

Access to Kootenay IR 1 for purpose of Species at Risk Surveys, July 5-6, 2024

The Wandering Ecotone is granted access to ʔaq̓am lands for the purposes of Species at Risk detection surveys for
Lewis's Woodpecker on July 5th and 6th, 2024.

Specific Timber Claim Cheques

kiʔsuʔk wiǂnam,
