Land's Committee
Lands Committee
Invitation for Expressions of Interest
The purpose of the Lands Committee will be to:
Make recommendations to Council on laws, resolutions, policies and procedures respecting Band lands
Assist in disseminating information on land issues between Membership and Council
Oversee community approvals under the St. Mary’s Indian Band Land Code
Carry out any other duties that may be assigned or delegated by Council.
The Lands Committee shall be composed of:
one member of Council appointed by Council; and
four members appoint by Council.
Eligible voter of St. Mary’s Indian Band.
Live within 20km of St. Mary’s Indian Band Reserve lands.
Be of good character, credibility, and reputation within the St. Mary’s Indian Band community and administration.
Demonstrate aptitude through formal or informal education and/or experience in one of the following fields: lands and natural resources, land use planning, public policy or law.
A person convicted of an offence by way of indictment or felony conviction within five (5) years prior to the date of the appointment.
Any person convicted of corrupt practice in connection with an election, including accepting a bribe, dishonesty or wrongful conduct.
No two committee members may be “immediate family” as defined in the St. Mary’s Indian Band Custom Election Regulations.
Appointed members shall sit on the committee for a maximum of four (4) years, but they are not precluded from being appointed for further terms.
Regularly scheduled meeting of the Lands Committee will be held at least once per month.
Honouraria will be made available to the Lands Committee members at the rates set out in the St. Mary’s Band Policy.
Deadline for Application
Friday, June 27th, 2014 at 4:30 p.m. MST. Late applications will NOT be considered.
Lands Committee applications will be reviewed by Chief and Council as soon as practicable following the deadline. Chief and Council will then appoint members to the Committee from the applicant pool. All applicants will be notified once the selection process has concluded.
Lands Committee
Application Form
Name: ______________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________________
Alternate Phone: ______________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________
Availability: Day Meetings Evening Meetings
I am willing to undergo a Criminal Record Check
I certify that I meet the eligibility criteria
I have included my Expression of Interest Summary Page
Please submit to Bonnie Harvey by Friday, June 27, 2014, 4:30 p.m. MST.
Fax: 250.426.8935
or in person at 7470 Mission Road, Cranbrook, BC. V1C7E5
Lands Committee
Expression of Interest Summary Page
Please provide a brief description (not to exceed one page) of why you would like to be a Lands Committee member and how your formal or informal education and/or experience make you a suitable candidate. Bullet format is acceptable.
Please submit to Bonnie Harvey by Friday, June 27, 2014, 4:30 p.m. MST.
Fax: 250.426.8935
or in person at 7470 Mission Road, Cranbrook, BC. V1C7E5