Community Strategic Plan

Ka Kniⱡwitiyaⱡa

The ʔaq’am strategic planning process was initiated by the Chief and Council in 2009 in order to create a long range, high-level outline of who we are, where we want to go and how we will get there.

The initiative was driven by our desire to become a more pro-active community – better equipped to honour our past while engaging enthusiastically with our present and future, within our Band and beyond. A strategic plan empowers our community to express and reinforce our values, enhance the efficiency of our government and administration, improve our communications with external stakeholders and much more.

The process was truly community-driven, led by a young Community Member and carried out with team-based support through a Strategic Planning Committee comprised of a cross section of Community Members, government leaders and Band employees. Through Community Champions, group discussions and interviews, we gathered the hopes, desires and fears of our Community.

Early into the 2011-2012 fiscal year, our Community finalized, ratified, and celebrated our Strategic Plan, called Ka Kniⱡwitiyaⱡa – Our Thinking.

Over the past year we have focused on the development of work plans that support our priority goals and objectives. The success of our plan is dependent upon our ongoing collective commitment. We must be gentle enough with ourselves to recognize that some actions may need to be five years or even 20 years down the road.

We extend sincere thanks to everyone who has participated in this process.

Community Strategic Plan 2017

A woman in the background with a desk full of architectural plans lay in front of her