ʔaq̓am Community Enterprises (ACE) is our Community Development Corporation. ACE has a vision to a sustainable and self-sufficient economy by optimizing community and partner resources in a manner consistent with our values and principles. We emphasize sound business practices and strategic relationships built upon a foundation of fairness and integrity. Good business is in our nature.
Our mandate and interest in furthering the goals and objectives of our community enables us to be proactive and motivated in establishing strategic partnerships. We look to bring our resources, network and inherent strengths to every corporate relationship.
ACE is governed by a business-minded Board of Directors and reports and liaises with the Community Government (Chief and Council), who in turn assist in facilitating business-focused goals and objectives. In this manner, ACE maintains its accessibility, authenticity and approachability within the community. ACE administers and manages a number of business development initiatives, including Community-owned Business Development; Resource Development; Airport Lands Development and Leasing; Strategic Partnership Development; Tourism, Culture and Hospitality; Agriculture; and more.
To discover more about ACE, investment opportunities and our Community, visit www.InvestAqam.com and download our Community Investment Profile.